When I heard the news of The Cure releasing a new song, my heart was filled with joy. As a
connoisseur of Goth music, I hold The Cure on a pedestal as godfathers of my favorite
genre of music. So, this news was a blacklight in my little goth world.
The Cure bestowed us with a new song. Alone, released September 26, 2024, and it is
nothing short of poetry set to music in the way only The Cure can provide. It is reminiscent
of Edgar Allan Poe set to melody.
Alone opens with a melody so melodic and repetitive that it is trancelike. Transporting you
to an otherworldly dimension of peace within darkness. Robert Smith’s voice hits your ears
like a lullaby. I can confidently say that in the 45 years since Three Imaginary Boys hit record
store shelves, Smith’s voice has not faltered in any way. It is still as strong and tranquilizing
as it was all those years ago.
The lyrics transported me to many times I have lost those that I have loved, in the literal
sense. At times, I closed my eyes and could feel the emotions I felt throughout those days.
However, I was not sad, it was like the song wrapped me in a blanket of comfort, soothing
me from my sorrow. The song could also be related to emotional love. That is the beauty of
music, songs can be anything to anyone.
I was not disappointed in my anticipation for the release of Alone. It is another masterpiece
from “The Cure”.
This is the end of every song that we sing
The fire burn out of ash
And the stars grow dim with tears
Cold and afraid, the ghost of all that we’ve been
We tossed with bitter dread to our emptiness
And the birds falling out of our sky
And the words falling out of our mouth
And here is to love, so much love
Falling out of our lives
Hopes and dreams are gone
The end of every song
But it all stops and I prefer that we would never change
And when it all stops we always thought that we would stay the same
But it all stops and because our eyes asleep
To dream of boy and girl who dream the world is nothing but a dream
Where did it go
Where did it go
Broken voice will mend
To call us home
This is this end of every song we sing
Where did it go
Where did it go
Where did it go
Where did it go
Hope a voice will mend to call us home
This is the end of every song we sing