• Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Cadillac Tramps and Hagfish Bring Another Great Night to BBB



‘Twas the second night of Punk Rock Bowling, and all of downtown Fremont was flooded with leather jackets, studs, spikes, mohawks, and patched up vests. Downtown was alive with the smell and sight of punk rock. I can’t imagine the families who come to town in order to see Vegas and just so happen to come on a weekend like this. What they must think when going back is, “Vegas is just a bunch of pierced and tattooed hooligans drinking in the streets and asking for spare change.” To me, it was a breath of fresh fucking air. That night we were at Backstage Bar and Billiards in order to see Cadillac Tramps. I’m from Orange County California (the hometown of Cadillac) and have a history of seeing them live. Lead singer Gabby is in multiple bands such as Drive By Smile, Flock a Goo Goo (a punk rock tribute to 80s pop), and my favorite Manic Hispanic (Mexican covers of famous punk rock melodies and songs). I’m a big fan of Cadillac Tramps and as soon as they came on stage I completely lit up inside. All those memories of Orange County shows just filled me with joy. They don’t seem to have as big a following out here and honestly with all the options over the weekend I’m not surprised the crowd wasn’t wall to wall, but the turnout was still amazing for a band that has only one album which was recorded live over 20 years ago. The crowd seemed very receptive and Gabby’s on stage antics were just as good as they were when I used to watch them at the Observatory in Orange County over 7 years ago. I was thrilled to hear some of my favorite songs “Hoodoo Guru,” “Life on the Edge”,”Cadillac Hearse,” “Move to the Hills,” and my all time favorite “Don’t You Know.” Seeing them put me right back to my youth and gave me a completely nostalgic feeling (which is something I rarely get here in Vegas), and I was washed over with satisfaction. The crowd was pumped, I was pumped, and they were absolutely my favorite act I saw over the PRB weekend. I’m not sure how often or where they tour of they ever do but if you EVER see them playing live somewhere, GO! You will not regret the show you’re in for. Cheers!

By Dillon Radley

Photographer, smart ass, Jameson aficionado and lover all of creatures great and small.

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