• Mon. Feb 10th, 2025

The Black Dahlia Murder
with special guests
Vatican Falling – Pariah Was One – Gods Of Hate
Backstage Bar & Billiards – Fremont Country Club
September 10th, 2019


It seems demand was so high that the bands were moved to the Fremont Country Club stage and the doors were left open like they were when we covered Las Vegas Death Fest. Backstage was fairly empty while the local bands were playing. For good reason too; having seen and covered Vatican Falling some time ago they were better than I remember. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Pariah Was One but I commend them on their blending of various stylings of metal. Lastly, Gods Of Hate are not only a great live band but a professional act. 

Vatican Falling Gallery:
Pariah Was One Gallery:
Gods of Hate Gallery:
The Black Dahlia Murder:

It’s rare these days I’m stopped to talk about what band shirt I’m wearing. However, I have a couple The Black Dahlia Murder tees and the last few months I’ve been stopped by other fans excited for them to be coming to town. Even on the day of I’m taking things out of storage and an employee stops me outside the office.

The Black Dahlia Murder suprised me at how quickly they went through all the songs I’d highlighted in my pre-show coverage article. Not that I have any reason to complain as they were so fucking good. Trevor Strnad killed it with his distinct vocal approach while, and I say this with love, wearing his usual goofy attempt at stage gear. Seeing rhythm guitarist and founding member Brian Eschbach and lead player Brandon Ellis really lit a fire under my ass with how kick ass their performances were. 

The Black Dahlia Murder Gallery #1

Trevor fittingly dedicated ‘Miasma’ to the Vegas fans in attendance. As I may have mentioned in the pre-coverage article the album has the New York New York and MGM casinos on the cover and the song’s video chronicles the band on a night out in Sin City. It goes without saying that Las Vegas loves The Black Dahlia Murder as much as the guys love this city.

The Black Dahlia Murder Gallery #2

I suggest you check out and possibly buy their latest record ‘Nightbringers’ like I did; or in the case of my loving wife buy it on vinyl for your spouse.

Check out The Black Dahlia Murder’s latest album, “NIGHTBRINGERS” below!

All live photos by Courtney Ware for ZrockR Magazine 2019, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

By Ethan Pretre

I'm a husband, guitarist, and writer born in Michigan but have lived all over. I consider my hometowns to be Las Vegas, NV and Berwick, LA. Fan of extreme metal. All time favorite bands include Acid Bath, Cradle of Filth, and Arch Enemy to name just a few.

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