• Mon. Feb 10th, 2025

It is no secret to those that know me crystals, sound bowls, metaphysics, the tarot, all of it has fascinated me since I was a kid. From the first time I had my cards read while hanging out on the University of Illinois campus at the sweet age of… 12? I think? by a cousin who was attending there, the idea that there is more to what is out there than meets the eye had me reading history and everything I could get my hands on. It’s been a part of my life on one level or another ever since, I even managed a popular shop that was on Rainbow and Charleston after working for a few years at the chain’s shop on Russell and Pecos as my day gig. I have most definitely learned A LOT along the way… ANYWAY, while I obviously don’t work in a shop I do still love to go in them to see what they have, what new things have come out as far as books go and of course, gotta keep my incense supply well stocked. Shopping on line is all well and good, but the vibe you get going into a new shop or a shop you enjoy can’t be replaced. Enter Vegas Crystal Healings! A small but well stocked shop in the Henderson/ Green Valley area that is tucked in a plaza with The Mint Bistro and a chiropractor’s office on Eastern and Horizon Ridge. I had drove past it a couple of times when I was out shopping after moving to a new area of town and finally went in- I was so glad that I did! Crystals, Candles, Oils made at the correct times with the correct herbal correspondents and not cut with biproducts fillers or acetone, Bath Salts, Incense, Teas, herbs and so much more! And of course, LOTS of crystals! Small pocket sized ones and HUGE wall sized ones and some gorgeous jewelry!

Chatting with owner Tammy Wood, I found that the store has been in the valley since September 1 of 2015! Tammy got into this by having found after she had moved to Texas, the job that she was hired for didn’t exist once she arrived, and so she spent time meditating and looking for work. I will let Tammy fill you in from here:

TAMMY: ” I was applying for jobs and trying to find work and I started seeing sacred geometry (while in meditation) and started feeling the crystals vibrate in my hands and so…. Then I got a job in Utah, and spent a lot of time on the river, and a lot of time working with crystals and working with Source. The First thing I did was working with and healing abused horses at a horse rescue ranch in Texas with crystals and doing energy work. Everything was self-taught up to that point…. and then I moved back to Vegas because my daughter… I was getting my first grandbaby! I then became a Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Healer1 , I was the first Hibiscus Moon Certified Crystal Healer in the state of Nevada, and then I went on and became an advanced Crystal Master through Hibiscus Moon. The job I came back for here ended 1 day before 90 days and so a friend of mine cleaned out a storage closet at his hair salon, and said ‘do crystal healings in here’ and I told him I don’t even have a massage bed and he said ‘well I’ve got one, I got you!’ and I started doing crystal healings there, out of a storage closet, that was how the business started. I was over on Flamingo and Decatur for a while and then in 2018 I expanded into more of a sort of executive offices, but I wanted more of a retail space, so we moved here, that was in 2018.

ZROCKR: You have not only crystals but bathsalts and ritual oils and incense and candles and teas and jewelry and so much more! What got you into the magickal aspects of everything?

TAMMY: When I started seeing energy, working with energy, and again I was self-taught, a friend of mine who has a store in another state, she gave me a few pointers. I was working with energy, and I noticed different tools, like sending energy, so I bought a wand. Whenever I wasn’t able to go and see the abused horses at the horse rescue, remember I was unemployed and that doesn’t pay for much, so I couldn’t afford to drive over there every day. So, I started doing distance healing, with the crystals and I started realizing there are just so many tools! I did a job ritual kit, and that was the first ritual kit that I had ever done. I actually carry it here and just love it love it love it! I started realizing there was a need for different tools, and I like being able to provide different tools to people so they can expand their practices, and to help protect themselves and to manifest and just help people through it!

ZRockR: I know you have an event space here too. What kind of events do you do or do you have planned and upcoming?

TAMMY: The next big event that I have coming up is with Phillip Permutt2, he is known as “The Crystal Healer” and he is from the UK and he is coming to do 5 different workshops. Friday night the 23rd3 we will have his free book signing and I carry all of his books. He has 5 different workshops on Saturday and Sunday and last year when he was here it was PACKED so we are really looking forward to him coming back here again.

I will be doing again the Full Moon and New Moon rituals. I had done a Full Moon and a New Moon and hadn’t scheduled anymore (but) customers have been letting me know they really liked (them) and want to know when we will be doing those again. I will be doing those again, pendulum classes, crystals 101, teaching people how to build shields for protection and manifestation, we do a lot of that with the new moon though.

ZRockR: With the oils that you carry here, I’ve used them GOOD STUFF! and I know you have mentioned that the things that go into them don’t have any chemical additives, and you had mentioned that the herbs were harvested at the right time of the day for the purposes they are needed for.

TAMMY: They’ve got the proper herbs, spices roots, seeds, flowers… so, if a flower needs to be picked at 2am for a specific magickal property it’s picked at 2am. If you pick it at 4pm it has a totally different magickal property. The shower gels and bath salts they also have water that comes from the same vein as the Arkansas Healing Hot Springs, so they literally have healing water vibrations in them.

ZRockR: Do you have any sort of sales say at Christmas time or anything?

TAMMY: Absolutely! Absolutely! We carry all the Yule products and like in October we carry all the products needed for Samhain.

ZRockR: Do you have a mailing list and if so what are the benefits of being on that mailing list?

TAMMY: I do email coupons, and announcements for events, I also mention sales whenever we are having a sale and what is on sale that week so it definitely saves you some money! If you grab a sale item and use a coupon- SCORE!

ZRockR: You have so many beautiful crystals in the shop. Not only small ones you can carry in your pocket but humongous ones you can put on a shelf or hang on the wall or make a wall out of actually… Is there anything as far as the crystals go, and of course we know different crystals have different energies but do you know when someone walks thru the door what crystal should go with that person for example?

TAMMY: I often do but I don’t always say something, cause some people may take offense. I always will greet people, you know hello, welcome, what brings you in today and it gives them the opportunity to tell me or to ask for assistance. If they do then I will share that information with them. I tell them the first thing I saw in my mind was…. dot dot dot. If they look it up and the meanings of it, 9 times out of 10 they are like Damn!

ZRockR: Where can people find you on the internet?

TAMMY: Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok (all are @VegasCrystalHealings )! The website is vegascrystalhealings.com ! The store does do mail order and if you go to the website and click on the store and if you don’t see what you are looking for you can call and talk to Tammy, and she can always send photos or do a facetime and show you things in the store! Also! There will be goodie bags from the store at Pagan Pride Festival this year and while they won’t have a dedicated booth due to staffing, you can grab a goodie bag and it will have some special things as well as store coupons and such!

Thank you so much Tammy Wood, proprietor and Crystal Master of Vegas Crystal Healings for taking time out to chat with us and show us your store! The store is located at 10740 S Eastern Ave, #105, Henderson 89052. They are open Tuesday – Saturday for your convenience. We can not recommend this place enough as they carry some amazing things for simply decoration or if you are a practitioner, to help you along your path! Definitely make time to check them out and tell ’em ZRockR sent ya!

All Photos by Stephanie Hayward for ZRockR Magazine- 2024- All Rights Reserved!

  1. hibiscusmoon.com/ for more information on their programme ↩︎
  2. http://www.thecrystalhealer.co.uk/Philip-Permutt for more information on Phillip ↩︎
  3. The Workshops begin on Friday, August 23- For more infomation go to https://www.vegascrystalhealings.com/ ↩︎

By Sylvia Lee

Editor/ Staff Writer and Co-Founder of ZRock'R Magazine. Sylvia has worked in and around music since she was 16, though it has always been a part of her life. In radio ( her last radio job was in the mid-90's at KKLZ before departing for other pursuits) , as part of various tour support/production crews, in promotion of both bands and even clubs (recipient of the Climax/Plan C Entertainment Blackberry Award in 2007 for her work as production manager of the Las Vegas MC Jin show ) and in rock journalism with a music column in the late 80′s called MusicLine in the Independent News in central Illinois. Sylvia has also has written articles and reviews for SCOPE, The Reader, Las Vegas Music Scene Magazine, Vegas SoundZ (she was PR director for LVMS where she helped push a little known and upcoming at the time Vegas photographer then known as Shane O'Neil Dobbs ( he later dropped the Dobbs), landing him his first concert shoot for a publication with Nine Inch Nails at the Thomas and Mack in '95) and she also did PR for Vegas SoundZ when they were in print). She also was a contributor to LA’s FIX Magazine. Sylvia credits her love of rock journalism and working in and around it to the person she calls the “First Lady of Rock n Roll Journalists” The legendary Jaan Uhelszki who co-founded influential music publication CREEM Magazine, but also gives a nod to the women who were also involved in the early days like Lisa Robinson and photographer Lynn Goldsmith. Sylvia's eye for talent and ear for great music have never failed her. Ever sarcastic with a love for Metal, Grunge, Punk, and Industrial Music; the occasional glass of fine wine; enjoying some classic movies (the original Universal horror films are a favorite) or binging episodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus, Good Omens or all 4 seasons of Stranger Things - she is the fearless leader of this bunch of talented lunatics.

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