• Thu. Jan 2nd, 2025

The Smilingcrow- Rockin’ the Magickal Side at ZRockR! In September: The Magician and The Great American Eclipse

Editor’s Note:  Each Month we will be presenting the writings from The Smilingcrow- your rockin’ look at the world of magic and mystery around you from a Wiccan Priestess of over 25 years and former rock journalist as well!  Now her gig is helping people to help themselves- as always- this is for entertainment purposes only and if you choose to do something and if doesn’t work how you think it should- that isn’t the fault of ZRockR or The Smilingcrow-  that is all you darlin’ and you gotta do some looking within ( or contact The Smilingcrow herself!) and see what karmic crap ya got going on that made things go sideways!  Just remember- we present this for entertainment purposes- it is up to you to ” Ever mind the law of 3″  and “Do what thou wilt” with” perfect love” –  as they say…  – SJL


Well hello there internet folk and friends. This is my first article that I’m writing for the blog and I have to admit that it’s been quite a long time since I sat down to write anything. Twenty years to be exact so please forgive me if I seem rusty. I’m sure that in a matter of weeks I’ll get the hang of it again. My intention is to give some information about each card in the deck, the traditional meaning, I may include some basic symbology of the card and because I am a Wiccan Unitarian Universalist I will be including a tarot spell at the end of each article. Choose what you will from each article, I push nor persuade no one to do anything that is counter-intuitive to their soul. I’m just super happy you are here, reading this blog. 🙂


I recently embarked upon on a new inner journey this summer and realized during my meditations that it was high time to dust myself off and pick up the pen again. I have been reading the tarot since I was sixteen. I’m forty nine now. You do the math. It’s like what… 33 years! So I do have some practical knowledge and experience with the tarot and it’s my wish to share it with you.


This month, I thought about which card would be appropriate to start should with and why? And, I had a hard time choosing because usually most people who read or study the tarot would start with The Fool. Some would even insist upon it. And rightly so since it is the one card in the deck that starts with 0 and it describes the beginning of the journey that one embarks upon in life.


BUT, I don’t like following the crowd. Never have, never will, and since I, like most American’s just experienced the Great American Eclipse in the summer of August 2017, I’m choosing the Magician to kickstart it all. The Magician? Uh really?  But why? Well, it has to do more with the fact that the eclipse was going to bring about an incredible life change for most of the population of the planet and most certainly anyone, young, or old living in the United States. And the Magician, like the total solar eclipse is about change and offers help from the Universal mind. “As above, so below.”  What inspires from the Universe comes down from above and down upon our mere mortal minds to help us with our true calling and desires.

The Magician, like Solar Eclipses bring about transformation, new beginnings and changes. The power of the eclipse and also of the Magician can be quite frightening but it is really important to remember that both; the Magician and a solar eclipse will always put us on the right path in our life. Or at the very least try to guide and teach us toward the light/right path for ourselves.


Now I don’t want you to think…. Omg this is so rare. I missed it. I was asleep during the eclipse. Or I was on the other side of the planet. No. Stop.  No need to be upset. It’s not that rare to have a solar eclipse people. There are Solar Eclipses every year, but having a total solar eclipse is indeed a remarkable and special situation. It will be quite a while until we see another one in the North American continent again.  April 8, 2024 to be exact. So don’t stress if you were asleep. You’ll get another chance to see one and if you were not in the US, or asleep, I can almost guarantee that you will directly feel the aftermath of the total solar eclipse, just like you will feel the affects of The Magician’s influence in your life.


Ancient cultures believed that during a Solar Eclipse, the light of the Sun would give way to the darkness in order to be transformed. This brief moment of darkness was thought to be a favorable spiritual moment and quite an intense moment of awe inspiring awareness that would help the Sun to return stronger and even more brighter in the sky.

To help humans in this awakening process, the ancients also believed that the infinite great wise mind of the Universe would inspire and offer knowledge from higher realms. This information would then be sent down to Earth during the eclipse. The Magician is the teacher in the deck. A wise, spiritual woke individual who passes on knowledge and helps others understand thoughts, feelings, and desires. The Magician can and will shed light on the darkness in order to teach the individual about the path they are embarking upon.


The total solar eclipse is also about exposing our true self, ridding ourselves of our shadows, and darkness and starting fresh by honoring who we truly are. It is also about shedding our “skins”, our old ways, our old lives, our old thoughts and old patterns that we have been enmeshed in so that we can establish a link with our individual truth and make a fresh start. This Eclipse is going to help all of us reveal what it is that we really want for ourselves and for our lives. We, as individuals, and as members of community will live life with our inner light exposed, and aid us to move out of the darkness and from the lower levels of consciousness and into the higher levels of consciousness.  We will feel more connected to our purpose and to the Universe.


The Magician is a card about energy and self awareness. It’s about the willingness of the individual to take risks, but don’t be confused, it’s not about taking foolhardy risks.  The individual is considerate and thoughtful, they are choosing to engage in wise, thought out, calculated risks. The card itself stands for accomplishment and success. It is a card about new beginnings and manifesting desires. The Magician is the teaching and educational learning card. It stands for the person who is willing to focus on their learning and to put the nose to the grindstone in order to experience the fruits of their labor. The Magician always indicates initiative and to act upon your new plans, desires, and thoughts.  The Magician stands for manifesting and creating your reality. It’s a perfect match for the total solar eclipse. If you want to start a new venture and know what you want to create for yourself, this tarot card and the spell I will be providing you with will help you seal your intention with the Universe.


The Magician Tarot Spell

This spell should be performed at the new moon. Intention for the spell is successful ventures and new beginnings. You will need : The Magician tarot card, a red or white candle, frankincense or drawing oil, hyacinth oil, a lodestone, vervain powder, parchment paper, and Three Kings charcoal. You will also need: cinnamon, cloves, sandalwood, rose petals, lemongrass and jasmine.


If you can not get all of the herbs. No worries. If you can’t get drawing oil. No worries. Frankincense oil can be bought…. In Walmart or Target. Yes I am serious. Or you could order it from Amazon or go to a health food store. Anna Riva makes a great drawing oil, you can order that from Amazon too. Same for the vervain powder and Three Kings charcoal tablets. If  you are fortunate enough to have a Wiccan or New Age store, I bet they can get any or all of it for you. As for the herbs, if you can only get your hands on incense sticks made of sandalwood or jasmine, so be it. What is most important during a spell is INTENTION. The herbs, oils, candles, etc helps in setting the intention and ritualizing your intention.


Dress the candle with the Frankincense or drawing oil. Go from the middle of the candle UP to above and then DOWN to the bottom of the candle… as below.  Take the vervain powder and powder the candle. Put the candle in a candle holder! Now get your herbs and grind them up with a mortar and pestle or with a huge rock. LOL. No I’m not kidding, I’ve done that.  Necessity is the mother of invention folks. Just grind them up and add 9 drops of the hyacinth oil to the crushed herbs. Mmmm. Smells amazing, doesn’t it?  Ok, now take the charcoal, light that up, place it in a fireproof caldron or shell or metal plate. Yeah I’m still serious and put the crushed herbs on the charcoal. Place the lodestone on the Magician card or picture. Write down your intention on the parchment paper and place it under the Magician.  Take a deep breath and focus on what you are beginning or embarking on. Why do you need The Magician’s help? Visualize yourself getting that help with your new beginning or adventure. Light your candle. Burn your incense and ponder on what you are trying to manifest.

After the candle burns down completely, put away the Magician card, gather the remnants of the candle, the ashes from the incense, the parchment paper, and place it in a paper bag. Bury the bag, or find a crossroads to place it. You can throw the bag away but make sure you throw it away…. Away from your home. Put the lodestone in your pocket, or purse, or wallet.  And then shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Magic works best when it’s not spoken of.

Blessed Be!

The Smilingcrow


You Can Get Ahold of The Smilingcrow directly via her website!  Click HERE —>>>  THE SMILINGCROW

For Entertainment Purposes Only!  Nothing Religious, Sacrilegious or other wise implied.

Editor’s Note:  Each Month we will be presenting the writings from The Smilingcrow- your rockin’ look at the world of magic and mystery around you from a Wiccan Priestess of over 25 years and former rock journalist as well!  Now her gig is helping people to help themselves- as always- this is for entertainment purposes only and if you choose to do something and if doesn’t work how you think it should- that isn’t the fault of ZRockR or The Smilingcrow-  that is all you darlin’ and you gotta do some looking within ( or contact The Smilingcrow herself!) and see what karmic crap ya got going on that made things go sideways!  Just remember- we present this for entertainment purposes- it is up to you to ” Ever mind the law of 3″  and “Do what thou wilt” with” perfect love” –  as they say…  – SJL

By The Smilingcrow

Wiccan Priestess, Tarot Reader, Yoga Practitioner, Enlightened Old Soul, Gym enthusiast and former rock journalist residing in the greater Seattle area, now writing about the magick that lies within you and without you in the Universe! Connect with her directly at: https://www.thesmilingcrow.com/

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