For over 40 years, Steven Tallarico, better known to the world as Steven Tyler, has been standing as one of the most popular and successful rock frontmen of all time. To this day, Tyler remains an iconic figure in the pop/rock world….
….and not long ago, he surprised his fans by announcing that he would be releasing a country album!
As much a fan as I am of the “classic” Aerosmith material, I will not deny that my opinion of the band declined largely in recent years, largely due to their lackluster 2012 effort, Music from Another Dimension!, which featured countless generic ballads and very little that had any staying power amidst their extensive back catalogue. While I too was surprised by the decision for Steven Tyler to “go country” as a number of other rock artists had, it did not stop me from deciding to give it a listen when the time came.
We’re All Somebody from Somewhere is the first solo album from Steven Tyler, and one that was certainly looked at by the fans with a sense of skepticism and animosity before it was even released. How does the end result fare?

I was as doubtful as to how this album would turn out as a good many people certainly were, but after having given it a listen, I can safely say that the end result is not bad at all. The record is not a masterpiece, but people should not simply write it off because it is the “Steven Tyler country album.” This is a musically diverse and powerful album that is certainly more listenable and interesting than the most recent Aerosmith album.
There is no denying Steven Tyler has a distinctive voice, and even as he is pushing 70, it sounds as musically powerful as ever, which helps to set these recordings to reign above those from many other rockers trying to go country. With 15 songs and just under an hour’s worth of music, the album is too long and tries to cram too much in, but it does not stop this from standing as a unique and powerful effort from one of the rock world’s finest. Even if you are not a country fan, there is still enough of a crossover rock/pop feel to keep your interest on the majority of the tracks.
Steven Tyler strikes back, and with the release of We’re All Somebody from Somewhere, he delivers a promising effort that is strong overall, and nowhere near as bad as advance comments and speculation may lead you to believe. It will not be for everyone, but I can give it a firm recommendation.