Howling Giant has begun their takeover of the prog/stoner-rock genre; even playing Psycho Las Vegas this past Summer.
They recently released their album The Space Between Worlds. You can read my review of the album HERE .
I got the chance to interview these guys, who are all around good dudes. Check out what they had to say below!
Howling Giant Interview:
So, it is my understanding that The Space Between Worlds is a concept album. What sparked the idea not only of doing a concept album, but the storyline itself?
We usually focus on writing music around a concept because it helps us create thematic elements that promote the idea of listening to the album in its entirety.
We hope that the listener views the album as one piece of art, rather than viewing it as a collection of unrelated songs. We’re all about the full album ride. As for the concept itself, we focused on the idea of a dreamscape and the connection of all dreamworlds via a nexus point.
Your band has been described as everything from Prog to Stoner-Metal to just plain Rock & Roll. Where do you feel you fall in the line of genres? Why?
We write music that we enjoy playing. Sometimes we write in the styles of punk, doom, stoner, psych, and at times progressive elements shine through.
We feel that genres exist for the listener, in an attempt to categorize and describe the sound to another listener. We try to not get too hung up on it, it’s all rock and roll.
How is your writing process?
Each song is different. Sometimes everything falls into place during an improvised jam, and sometimes we spend a year and a half arranging, rearranging, unarranging, constructing and then deconstructing a particular song. Who knows?

How do you find the inspiration for your lyrics as well as the inspiration for the instrumentals as well? Do you have a vision going into writing a song, or does it just kind of come out?
We draw inspiration from other music, video games, books, television, and above all we draw inspiration from a deadline. Sometimes the song just writes itself, other times we toil for a verifiable eternity.
Having played multiple festivals, including Psycho in Las Vegas, which for you guys was the most challenging? What was the most fun?
The latest festival we played was the pool party at Psycho Las Vegas 2019. It was incredibly fun, however we had to endure the 110 degree, blistering Vegas heat. Worth it.
I know I compared you guys more to Ghost and Black Sabbath, two bands who are similar yet opposite, and spark hot arguments among most metal fans. How do YOU feel about those comparisons?
Love em both. Both bands focus heavily on melodic vocals and obese riffs. We’re in good company amongst those comparisons.
What band(s) would you compare yourselves to?
Hard to say. Our influences are always changing based on mood and pure whimsy. At this point in time we most identify with Men at Work, Torche, and the Eagles. Tomorrow is another day.
If you could line up your dream festival, who would be on it?
Colin Hay (of Men at Work), Opeth, Elder, Toke, ASG, Bruno Mars, Wilderun, Snoop Dogg, Sting, Electric Wizard, Mastodon, Pallbearer, and Andrew WK DJ-ing us into oblivion at the end of the night.
What’s up next for Howling Giant?
Same thing we do every day Stephy, try to take over the world.
Huge thanks to Howling Giant for taking the time to answer my questions! I look forward to seeing them on the road next time they’re in Vegas!
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo of Howling Giant ©Casey Moore Photography and Howling Giant. Used for promotional purposes only.