• Sat. Feb 15th, 2025
The event was done in partnership between The Hard Rock Cafe and Alice Goldstein Entertainment whose company lined up all the stellar talent.


It was one of the more memorable nights on the Las Vegas music scene as the city’s most notable musical talents gathered at the Hard Rock Cafe on a balmy Saturday night.

Billed as the 25h Anniversary Celebration of the Hard Rock Cafe on Paradise and Harmon, the night began with a star studded red carpet filled with local and national musical legends, reality show stars, and other celebrities.

The Godfather of today's Vegas scene- Mr. Brent Muscat!
The Godfather of today’s Vegas scene- Mr. Brent Muscat!
6 Foot Nurse
6 Foot Nurse

The five hour extravaganza kicked off with a blistering set from Scot Coogan’s  Led Zeppelin tribute band Six Foot Nurse; following that was a serious jam session anchored by Brent Muscat (Faster Pussycat and LA Guns), Keith Robert (Dee Snider Band), Coogan, Rob Cournoyer and Jeff Tortora (Tinnitus and Blue Man Group).

Eric Stacy, Brent, Siana King and Rob Cournoyer
Eric Stacy, Brent, Siana King and Rob Cournoyer


Various musicians graced the stage throughout the night with stand out songs including “House of Pain” with Siana King on

vocals and blistering lead guitar work courtesy of Stoney Curtis (Stoney Curtis Band and Count’s 77); “Billion Dollar Babies” with Jeff Young; “Creep” and “Another Thing Coming” featuring Tortora on vocals.

The crowd was whipped into a bigger frenzy as 80s legend Dale Bozzio performed several of her Missing Persons hits, sounding as fantastic as she did during the dawn of the music video age.

Dale Bozzio of Missing Persons
Dale Bozzio of Missing Persons

The evening was capped off by a rocking, high energy performance by Phil Lewis of LA guns who was joined on stage with former band mate Tracii Guns to the delight of everyone in the audience.

Phil Lewis and Tracii Guns- together again for this special night!
Phil Lewis and Tracii Guns- together again for this special night!

After nearly six hours of straight up music and celebration, it can’t be denied that Las Vegas has the best music community in the country.

Stoney Curtis, Jeff Tortora, Barry Barnes, and Shon McKee
Stoney Curtis, Jeff Tortora, Barry Barnes, and Shon McKee










PHOTO CREDIT:  Abigail Buckler for ZRock’R Magazine-

Photos © ZRock’R Entertainment, LLC-

All Rights Reserved

Editor’s Note:

Our photographer, Abigail Buckler,  took SO MANY great photos of the night- we of course have to show you a few more!  Enjoy!  – S

Some Sunset Strip action here! Brent Muscat, Phil Lewis and Tracii Guns ( Scot Coogan sat in on drums)
Some Sunset Strip action here! Brent Muscat, Phil Lewis and Tracii Guns


Jeff Young and Sheri
Jeff Young and Sherri



Sister Wives on the Red Carpet
Sister Wives on the Red Carpet












Nadir D'Priest
Nadir D’Priest KILLED IT on Green Manalishi!


Jeff Tortora
Jeff Tortora


Keith Robert and Scot Coogan -
Keith Robert and Scot Coogan –  


Stoney Curtis and Eric Stacy with Rob Cournoyer on drums
Stoney Curtis and Eric Stacy with Rob Cournoyer on drums

By Mink DeVille

" None of your business." - Mink ( yah, she won't tell us anything that we can publish- but she can write! No doubt there!)

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