• Mon. Mar 17th, 2025 1:26:09 AM

Robot Strippers Invade Sapphire for CES

CES. AVN. It’s always an interesting time in Sin City when these conventions are in town during that post-holiday lull. For those who don’t know, CES is the Consumer Electronics Show and AVN stands for Adult Video News, a trade journal that covers the Adult Video Awards.

This year there was a twist to the entertainment; the introduction of robot strippers. Yes, you read that right. Robot strippers. Sapphire Las Vegas presented them: R2DoubleD and TripleCPU, fully animated electronic twins from London, England. They made their Vegas debut at the World’s Largest Gentleman’s Club.

There was a pretty good-sized crowd to take this in, other paparazzi around, free drinks flowing, and complimentary donuts by Pink Dot were at the ready. After the introduction to bring the crowd up to speed on the what and why, the androids took the stages in the middle of the floor.

Was it impressive? Sure. The way the auto parts and camera heads were assembled. They certainly moved liked human strippers, as much as possible anyway. Was there true sex appeal? Not to me. But I suppose if you’re really a techy nerd it might arouse you. and/or if you’d rather not deal with the verbal come-ons of real female strippers designed/trained to empty your wallet and drain your bank account(s).



As expected, after awhile, the regular ladies were unleashed. Probably mostly for the crowd gathered to do a comparison.

How did this all stack up? In summary, I suppose it was simply inevitable that technology would meet opportunity and this would be introduced. Do I think that it’s the wave of the future? Will all strip clubs eventually be overrun with these just like pervasive technology is replacing cashiers, brick and mortar businesses, true intimate human communication, etc.? No. I think it’s a curiosity that will find a niche market and that’s about it. But to each their own. I’ll stick with the real thing. That is if I even GO to a strip club, which I quite rarely do, because I know the game, especially these days.


PHOTO CREDIT: All photos by Zenon Skyy for ZRockR Magazine – ©ZRockR Entertainment, LLC – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

By Zenon Skyy

Born in Detroit Rock City, Zenon Skyy started several hard rock bands, one of which had 2 songs of theirs receive airplay on a prominent local FM station. Feeling he needed to leave his birthplace behind to accomplish more, Zenon opted to move to the City of Angels the second week (on Elvis' birthday, no less) of 1990 to further his musical endeavors and kick it up a few notches, his last band in L.A. of 3 total even recorded a pro demo with the likes of Ron Keel at the producer's helm, since he was so impressed with the material. Once the writing was on the wall as far as the musical climate changing, he chose to broaden his musical horizons by attending GIT at Hollywood's esteemed Musicians Institute from '94-'95. Shortly thereafter, he moved to Sin City the night the Stratosphere opened. Zenon's also been known to attend rock trivia contests and fare quite well, usually near or at the top of the heap, while humbly accepting accolades for his encyclopedic knowledge of rock/hard rock/metal especially. When he's not attending concerts, doing corporate events, private parties or officiating weddings as one of Vegas' premier Paul Stanley impersonators, he also continues to write original material (music/lyrics) as well as play lead/rhythm guitar and sing lead vocals.

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