Five Finger Death Punch kicked off their ‘Never Ending Tour’ at The Joint inside the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino on November 1st and 2nd. Yes, that’s right. TWO nights for these Vegas hard rockers! With them they brought Three Days Grace, Bad Wolves, and Fire from the Gods. All excellent bands live if you guys haven’t seen them before!
Bad Wolves Gallery:
While I happened to miss Fire from the Gods and Bad Wolves, I know from shows in the past that those guys do not disappoint. I walked in just as Three Days Grace took the stage, and I have to admit I didn’t realize just how good they sounded live. (To be honest, I didn’t know they were still relevant, but that’s only because I lost interest sometime after their second album was released. That’s on me, though. Nothing against those guys at all.)
Onto the headliner!
Despite all the backlash that Five Finger Death Punch receives, the guys put on one hell of a show. Between the phenomenal fan interaction and the fireshow, I was impressed by how well they executed their performance. My only real issue that I had the whole night were a handful of drunken “bro” type dudes who got a little too into their own egos and decided measuring each other up and fighting was a good idea. They did this at others’ expenses too, since they clearly disregarded the busy area they were doing this in and were knocking in to the other people in attendance.
All in all a solid concert though. The guys made salutes to our military, to the struggles of overcoming substance abuse and addiction; and vocalist Ivan Moody even went back in forth with a hockey fan in the crowd in regards to our Golden Knights. Another special moment that stood out for me personally was Ivan’s connection to a young kid in the crowd. As a parent myself, I love seeing musicians encourage children to enjoy the wonders of live music. Because it really is wonderful!
Five Finger Death Punch are due to release a new album in February of 2020 titled, “Inside Out”; and they are currently selling pre-orders on their official website. So if it’s your thing, click on the image below to check it out!

Live photos by Nikkita Christine for ZrockR Magazine 2019, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.