I’ve covered releases by Shaylon on this channel before. The female-fronted symphonic metal band first came to my attention a few years ago as they featured guitar work from Charly Urso, who for many years was known to Vegas rock and metal fans for his role in Aces High, an Iron Maiden tribute band. But Shaylon has been going strong for several years, and the group isn’t giving up on doing what they do best. THE INITIATION OF A TIMELESS VOYAGER is their latest studio effort.
Seeing female-fronted hard rock/metal acts always excites me, and this band is one that’s been doing their thing for quite some time now, proving themselves with one release after another. When I hear there’s a new Shaylon release on the way, it’s usually something to get excited about, be it an album, EP, or just a single track. Hearing that the band had completed a new full-on album was certainly grounds for celebration for this lover of all things rock and metal.
If you’re new to the table, you’re probably wondering what the group delivers. I’m pleased to say their musical chemistry hasn’t dwindled. Their symphonic metal sound is as entertaining now as it was when the group first began, but they’re not exactly rehashing older material either. If Blackmore’s Night plugged in and grew a a pair, you’d have Shaylon. Susie Uher Jimenez’s vocals dominate on each track. This young woman has the voice of an angel, but it’s powerful and melodic, giving these songs just what they need. The new selection of tracks offered here is everything fans of symphonic metal will want and need. Hell, it might even be their strongest release to date, and that’s no small claim.
I’m so glad to see Shaylon still making music, even with all the craziness of the modern world. They’ve persevered and continued to give audiences everything that they want and deserve when it comes to their symphonic metal wants and needs. It may be their best album so far, and we know it won’t be their last thanks to the musical skill and the cohesive chemistry of the group. Highly recommended!