MOSHING SAFETY TIPS, VOL. 1 is the latest album from Wheelchair Mosh Pit.
Do you remember that era in the 1990s and early 2000s when there was an avalanche of pop-punk bands that ruled the world? Apparently, the guys in Wheelchair Mosh Pit remember, because they seem insistent on keeping that sound alive – and bless them for that.
There have been several albums, videos, and singles put out by Wheelchair Mosh Pit over the past several years, and they beautifully combine musicianship and a wicked sense of humor; not since the glory days of Spinal Tap have I heard songs that made me rock out and laugh in equal parts. That’s why, whenever there’s a new release from these guys, I’ve got to hear it.
We now arrive at the band’s latest full-length release, MOSHING SAFETY TIPS, VOL. 1. From the album name, and with song titles like “Fun Police” and “Is Rock Bottom a Birthstone?” it’s clear these guys want to rock out but have a good time in the process. Even that album cover helps to set the chaotic mood. In a way, this could be considered a concept album, with many spoken dialogue sequences in a classroom setting establishing the theme, tone, and setting of the release. These range from a teacher explaining what one should do in a mosh pit to a jock running for class president and someone bragging about beating their teacher up. While these are a bit overused at times, they’re certainly laugh worthy. What truly matters here is the music, and it’s these guys doing what they do best. If you long for that bygone era when pop-punk bands owned the airwaves, you’ve found your band.
If you haven’t heard Wheelchair Mosh Pit yet, what are you waiting for? With MOSHING SAFETY TIPS, VOL. 1, you’ll laugh and rock out alike. When’s the last time an album or a band had you doing both? The album is now available for streaming on Spotify, so you’ve got no excuse not to listen to this one. The group starts 2024 in music in fine form with this latest release. Strongly recommended!
Wheelchair Mosh Pit Returns with MOSHING SAFETY TIPS, VOL. 1!