• Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Susi Müller

Susi Müller- Staff Writer- Germany: Rocking out of Germany is Susi “RocketQueen” Müller, CEO of Rocket Queen Promotions who handles band marketing and promotion and also does a blog on metal music coming out of Europe as well as is a accomplished music journalist in her home country. We are very proud and extremely excited to have Susi as part of the ZRockR family! Check out her blog from our links page! \m/
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Dictators- Manowar- (and a whole hell of a lot more!)

What do you say about someone who helped put together quintessential NYC punk band The Dictators? Was one of the founders of Manowar? Member of Shakin’ Street? and continues to…

Twisted Sister Interview

Editor’s Note: Susi Müller, Our rockin’ lady in Germany had a chance to chat a bit with Twisted Sister’s Jay Jay French awhile back. Here is the results of her…

The Purple Hart of the Rainbow- A Chat with Colin Hart ex- Tour Manager of Deep Purple and Rainbow

Not long ago, our girl in Germany, the one and only Susi Müller of Rocket Queen Promotions talked with Colin Hart. Best known for the work he did with such…