Queen, they have been more in the spot light this year with the release of Bohemian Rhapsody and the Oscar wins then they have been in a long time. They have never been gone however, no, they are not the same band that they were 40 years ago, Freddie has returned to the heavens and “Deaky” ( John Deacon) chose many years ago to retire from the insanity of the business while Brian and Roger continue on with Adam Lambert singing those iconic songs, ever reverent of the man who wrote a good many of them and led the way for performers like him to be able to do what they do today.
But Queen, and their fans in particular, have never been gone really- they still honor the legacy and there are those who long for those days of our lives and those who long for something they were either too young or not yet here to experience. Enter “Almost” Queen…
The highly acclaimed tribute band has been donning the costuming and singing the songs Messers Mercury, May, Deacon and Taylor wrote, recorded and performed decades now ago. Their press kit simply states and we quote-
” The most authentic QUEEN live show since the days of QUEEN themselves. This deliberate 4 piece band boasts an undisputed live show consisting of four part harmonies and genuine costumes while captivating the live energy that is THE ultimate Queen experience. “

Elektra Records Publicity Photo from the collection of Sylvia Lee
The reviews of their shows over the years are stellar and now- Las Vegas will get the chance to experience Almost Queen on Friday night, May 31 at Brooklyn Bowl. Tickets are still available to make sure to get down to Brooklyn Bowl on Friday to experience the closest thing we have to going back to the days when the kings of arena rock ruled. Tickets are just $15 in advance and $20 day of show- get tickets in advance at Ticket Fly or the Brooklyn Bowl Box Office day of show!
PHOTO CREDIT: Publicity Photo of Almost Queen by Christopher Appoldt – for promotional use only
Elektra Records Publicity Photo of Queen from the collection of Sylvia Lee- for promotional use only
YouTube Promotional Video from the Almost Queen YouTube channel- for promotional use only