T.C. Electronic Corona Chorus
I’ve heard quite a bit about T.C Electronic’s pedal series that introduces the “Toneprint” function but I had to try one out for myself. The Corona Chorus came out with…
Nerds in Las Vegas – Las Vegas Comic Expo
When you think about nerds in Vegas, you often think of the big CES convention. In this instance, you’d be wrong. I am referring to the Las Vegas Comic Con.…
The Public Trust: It’s Not A Bank
The first thing I noticed about the band The Public Trust, at the Viper Room, was the audience. They were actually watching the performance. The bar was a barren wasteland.…
Def Leppard – VIVA HYSTERIA The Movie!
I’ve been a Def Leppard fan for over 30 years now, I was 11 when pyromania came out in ’83 and thanks to my older next door neighbour,that was my…
Divine Retribution – Metal with a heavenly message!
Divine Retribution has became a force in the Dallas/Ft Worth music scene, bent on revolutionizing today’s youth in the music industry. Their calling to this generation is to be revolutionaries…
What’s that sound rising up from the Ft Worth music scene?
The name Deaf Angel isn’t implying that everyone in the band is hearing impaired. They have a deep respect for the hearing impaired community. The name is itself has many…