Pokémon Sun and Moon – New Installments in Nintendo’s Legendary Monster Collecting Series!
As someone who has been a video gamer my whole life, it is no secret to anyone who knows me that the Pokémon franchise has long been one of my…
Rogue One: First Film in the Star Wars Anthology Series!
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is the first film in the Star Wars Anthology series; these films are set in the Star Wars galaxy, but are not part of…
Rainbow – Memories in Rock Sees Ritchie Blackmore’s Return to Rock and Roll!
Ritchie Blackmore was long hailed as one of rock and roll’s greatest guitarists, as the classic axeman behind bands like Deep Purple and Rainbow. Longtime fans were in for a…
You’re not “Dreamin’ Again…” Rough Cutt Reunites and Takes the Stage!
30 years after the release of their two studio albums, Rough Cutt has reunited! This underrated band combined the talents of vocalist Paul Shortino (later of Quiet Riot), guitarist Amir…
A Christmas Carol – Comparing and Contrasting the 1951 and 2009 Film Versions of This Classic!
NOTE: This article assumes that the reader is familiar with the basic story of A Christmas Carol, and it will be covering scenes from both films in detail. As such,…
Shaylon – San Francisco’s Symphonic Rockers Return With “Astro Girl!”
Last year, I reviewed an EP from Shaylon, the new group featuring Charly Urso, well known to followers of the Vegas music scene for his past role as a guitarist…